Did you know...diapers are one of the highest family budget expenses?

Did you know that buying diapers to keep their baby clean, dry and healthy can take up 14% of a family’s budget?

This is a major expense impacting one in three families in the United States.

A 2017 report, “Diaper Need and Its Impact on U.S. Families” reveals that the struggle to have enough fresh clean diapers affects the parent’s physical and mental health, increases health risk to the child and can lead to missing work or school.

Specifically, the report reveals that “diaper need Is characterized by economic hardship and high levels of stress in families striving to provide enough diapers and other necessities, including food, clothing and housing. This impacts their physical and mental health.“ The report also finds that:

  • More frequent cases of diaper rash and urinary tract infections (UTI) for babies and toddlers left in dirty or reused diapers for prolonged periods of time;
  • Almost three-in-five parents (57%) missed an average of 4 or 5 days of work or school during any given month because they didn’t have enough diapers to leave with childcare providers or early education programs.

This is a serious problem for our youngest neighbors in the community.

That is where the Hunterdon Hygiene Connection (previously the Hunterdon Diaper Bank) comes in. Parents in need can rely on the local diaper bank to provide aid. Plus, 15% - 20% of adults over the age of 65 suffer from some form of incontinence and those who can’t afford incontinence products also are at risk of health issues and often find themselves becoming shut-ins.

However, we need your help! The diaper bank depends on the community for donations.

For any club, organization or individual seeking an impactful way to support our community a diaper drive is simple yet incredibly needed way to do so. If you are interested in organizing a drive or are an agency interested in becoming part of the Hunterdon Diaper Bank, please reach out to Amy at United Way.

We appreciate your support of the youngest members of our community.